Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Innovative Packaging Solutions continues Call Center Internship

Michelle's Internship Journal

Michelle's Internship Journal

Michelle Hernandez
This post is a journal for Michelle Hernandez as she complete a 12-week internship for Lifetrack Resources' Training Programs. Michelle is working with the Customer Service Training, Innovative Packaging Solutions' Call Center and the computer lab through the Broadband Access Project.
4/21:  I started my data entry projects today. I also worked in the computer lab, helping the lab clients use spell check on their resumes and send faxes.
4/20:  I went to an Advanced Excel training today. It was a great refresher for me. I had never used the 2007 version and I'd never used the mathematic functions. In the afternoon I watched our salesman, Greg, demonstrated how to make cold calls at IPS. It was intimidating!
4/19:  Today I learned more about what my job will entail and about the different administrative and data entry projects I'll be working on. I also got my Outlook and voicemail accounts set up.
4/18:  On my very first afternoon I toured Innovative Packaging Solutions (IPS). This is Lifetrack's packaging plant. I didn't know anything about this company so it was really interesting.

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